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Archive for the ‘TDEC’ Category

Final stormwater permit for small municipalities issued

Thursday, September 2nd, 2010

TDEC finalized and issued the permit for stormwater discharges from certain small municipal separate storm sewer systems (Phase II MS4s).  Earlier this year TCWN worked with several other groups to review and submit comments on the draft version of this permit.  A few of these comments were incorporated into the final permit, but overall the permit was not significantly altered.  Click here to see the final permit, response to comments and other information about municipal stormwater.

Mercury found in Wayne County creek

Monday, August 16th, 2010

Mercury has contaminated Beech Creek in Wayne County making the fish in the stream dangerous to eat and recreation in the water a threat to human health.  Beech Creek is a direct tributary to the Tennessee River as it enters the state from Alabama.  TDEC is still investigating the cause and will be updating the public.  Click here to read the full story in the Tennessean.

Minor changes to minor permits

Thursday, August 5th, 2010

Last week TDEC finalized the changes to the general Aquatic Resource Alteration Permits (ARAPs).  These ARAPs are for smaller, less impacing projects proposing to physically impact waters of the state and do not require mitigation.  As is typical, TCWN submitted comments when the draft permits were put on public notice.  We had some minor success in response to our comments.  The overall problem with these general permits is their use on smaller aspects of large projects.  For example, using a general permit for multiple small road crossing in a project impacting thousands of feet of stream covering several acres.  The result can be hundreds of feet of stream lost without any mitigation.


Well, TDEC agreed “with the intent of not using the general permits in incremental means to allow larger alterations.”  Additional language will be put in the general ARAP for road crossings so the permit is not used in such a way.  A small step, but a very important one to prevent unmitigated, permanent loss of our important water resources.  Click here to see TDEC’s response to all comments.

Major stream and wetland impacts proposed in Bradley County

Thursday, July 8th, 2010

3,377 feet of stream and 4.1 acres of wetland.  Those are the proposed impacts for the construction of a manufacturing facility northeast of Cleveland, TN.  Last week TDEC put on public notice an Aquatic Resource Alteration Permit for Wacker Polysilicon North America, LLC.  The impacts are in the South Mouse Creek Watershed - already significantly impaired by habitat alterations and sediment pollution.  Check out all the information on TDEC’s website and attend the pubilc hearing schedule for July 29 to learn more.

Follow-up with Rarity Ridge

Thursday, October 15th, 2009

Yesterday we went back out to Rarity Ridge to ensure they followed through with their sediment control requirements.  I must say, in the past year we have been out to this site numerous times and it has never been this well maintained.  Don’t get me wrong, it is far from perfect.  There are still several failing sediment control measures, dirt in the streeet, and other issues.  But check this out: 

Those are silt fences!  They also appear to be installed properly!  This is great to see.  Like I said, it isn’t perfect: 
But it is certainly better than before!  Thanks to TDEC for following through on our complaint.  Now Rarity Ridge just needs to maintain some of their practices and install a few more protections.  And get that dirt out of the street!