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Archive for June, 2010

Dead zone predicted to be the size of New Jersey to accompany the oil spill in the Gulf

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

This week LSU and partners released their predictions for the size of the annual Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone (aka “Dead Zone”).  The prediction:  7,776 square miles.  This area of nutrient rich, oxygen depleted water threatens human and animal health, yet our environmental impacts throughout the Mississippi River Basin cause the Dead Zone size to steadily increase.  We must reduce nutrient pollution in order to address this dangerous problem.  Check out the full press release about the prediction.

TDEC fines TVA

Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

Wow! What a shocker to hear that TDEC was going to levy such a high fine against TVA for the December 22, 2008 Coal Fly Ash Disaster. I was impressed until I read TVA’s response.  It’s just 1% of their annual revenues! Will this will deter future bad behavior?  I guess we’ll see…

BTW, what’s going on with the other coal fly ash storage ponds?  They getting fixed?


Chattanooga Stormwater Permit on Notice

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

TDEC put Chattanooga’s draft stormwater permit on public notice last month.  Unfortunately, TCWN believes this draft permit could use some major improvements and made several recommendations to TDEC.  The intent of these permits is to improve water quality - as is this permit won’t do that.

To learn more about Tennessee’s municipal stormwater program click here.