Calderwood Dam is located on the Little Tennessee River in east Tennessee. The river serves as the boundary between Blount and Monroe counties. Water from the dam is piped through a mountain to the powerhouse one mile downstream. This leaves a one mile U-shaped bend in the river that is bypassed, or dewatered. The test release shown below of 1300 cfs was judged to be too high for a safe and attractive fishery. Photos by Kirk Otey, October 18, 2000 unless otherwise noted.

Calderwood Dam release for fishery studies.

Bypass below Calderwood Dam.

Normandeau Associates take a transect.


A riffle on the bypass section.


Calderwood Dam from the overlook on Hwy. 129.Photo by Philip Young, October 1999


Project powerlines from Calderwood overlook on Hwy. 129, facing north. Photo by Philip Young, October 1999

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