Electronic Mailing Lists


TCWN List is the E-mail list of Tennessee Clean Water Network. You will receive by e-mail meeting notices, action alerts, and other timely information. To sign up, send an e-mail to [email protected] or join at our List Archive.


WaterNews is a weekly on-line publication that announces publications, policies, and activities of EPA's Office of Water. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to [email protected] and leave the subject line blank. In the body of the message write: Subscribe WaterNews firstname lastname (please leave one blank space between each word, do not include any other message, and use your actual name- i.e. Subscribe WaterNews Robert Jones). A welcome message will appear in your e-mail box once you are officially subscribed. For problems or to unsubscribe please send an e-mail to Gloria Posey at [email protected].


Confluence is an online publication of the Central Appalachian Watershed Network. To subscribe, send an e-mail to [email protected] with no subject line. In the body of the message write "subscribe Confluence" (no quotes) and send. You will receive an e-mail reply confirming your subscription. You can view back issues on the web.


Rivernet-Southeast is River Network's electronic mailing list for issues of interest in the Southeast. To subscribe, send a message to [email protected] with no subject line. In the body of the message type "subscribe rivernet-southeast [your e-mail address]" (no quotes or brackets).


RiverCurrents is American Rivers' weekly compilation of river news sent by e-mail. To get on the list, go to their online sign-up form.

AMERICAN RIVERS' ACTION NETWORK! is an e-mail list kept by American Rivers to send action alerts and updates on national river policy issues and American Rivers' campaigns to save the Snake, Columbia, Missouri, Mississippi, Ohio, and other rivers; reform dam operations and remove dams that don't make sense; reform the US Army Corps of Engineers; protect rivers under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act; and more. Participating in the action network is free and can make a great difference for the health and protection of our nation's rivers. Action Network allows you to contact your Members of Congress and other decision makers with just the click of a button. Sign up at http://www.actionnetwork.org/home.tcl?domain=AMRIVERS

NATIONAL WILDLIFE FEDERATION'S SMART GROWTH AND WILDLIFE LIST SERVE is to help to educate professionals and everyday citizens on this crucial subject and to identify opportunities to work for positive change. NWF's Smart Growth and Wildlife email listserve puts out 1 to 2 emails a week with issue updates, notices of conferences and meetings, and action alerts on subjects of national interest. Sign up at www.nwf.org/smartgrowth/join.html